Saturday, July 31, 2010
Task # 17 - Favourite Things
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
painting up a spy story
I’m dreaming about being a lighthouse keeper. All that solitude, blustery weather and solitude. A rocky outcrop somewhere remote with the birds for company and a small vegetable patch. A place like that needs warm clothes - scarves and beanies and bulky aran jumpers. Think of the knitting I could do! Yes, I’d be bored in a flash, all that rain and wind would quickly become tiresome, I’d miss my people, I’d probably go a bit batty. But all that solitude…
Or maybe I could be a ballerina. I’m not a small person and some would say I lack elegance, daintiness, a certain refined quality. But I imagine having all of that – the precision in my movement, the gracefulness, the sheer strength and stamina and muscle control. Like a Tour de France cyclist or a marathon runner, the thought of having that power of body and mind is appealing. Not very realistic, but appealing nonetheless.
Lastly, something I’ve often imagined is to own a café/yarn shop. Knitting and cups of tea and home-baked goodness. Am I obsessed with knitting at the moment? Perhaps. I notice a shop called A Coffee and a Yarn has opened up recently in Newtown. Something like that, the walls lined with beautiful yarn, a big table for people to sit and knit and chat and drink warm beverages. I’d be obligated to knit then – for business reasons. Hmm…
(Small note: After last week's blog, hallelujah, I took myself (and the babies) to see a movie. Stand by, I could be a ballerina by next week...)
Watch out Kylie!
Oh how things change. In my 30s my fantasy jobs number 1 and 2 is to be a mum. I’d like to park ambition, the corporate wardrobe and the politics to one side replacing it with mothers group, reading bed-time stories and changing nappies. Given that this is a fantasy job however I would also like to add in that whilst I get my wish of starting a family I also get to go on one overseas trip a year, continue to eat at beautiful restaurants, run my own business and see as much theatre as possible. Something about either reaching for the stars of biting off more than I can chew. Fantasy job number 3 in my 30s stays the same as it was during my 20s- being able to command a stage like Kylie Minogue or Madonna will always stay with me no matter how old I get!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Task #16 - Vocation
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The movies
Weekends on the Peninsula
I also miss big sprawling houses with back yards for bbq's, having friends over and entertaining in general. Everyone lives in shoe boxes in inner city London but we've all managed to fill the void by doing as the locals do - taking over the local parks. This weekend we dragged the big weber across the road and commendeared a quarter of the park somewhere between the girls in their bikinis on a not quite hot enough day and the locals with their small pampered dog club.
Australians are used to being outdoors and enjoying large open spaces - it exists in London - you just need to know where to look and then make sure to invite the surrogate family of friends along as soon as the sun shows itself for an afternoon. Unfortunately though the car will still need to stay at home!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
the answer my friend is...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Task #15 - Missing
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A Land of Plenty

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Task #14 - Cuppa