Thursday, November 24, 2011
2 weeks and 3 days
The Dance...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My house is filthy, half of its contents in boxes, great armfuls being cast off into garbage bins each day. I'm like a wheat thresher. Watch your heads!
There is so much to do in the coming weeks and when I work through it, I always land at the day before Christmas, in a new house surrounded by boxes with no ham in the fridge and no tree and no presents and I feel a bit ill. Can someone postpone Christmas till mid-January?
Already I'm exhausted all day and awake all night going through lists and plans in my head. Ironic that I was like this in the lead-up to my wedding, hey, Spoutie? Timings and contingencies and delegating. We have a holiday next week. Last thing I bloody feel like with all else going on! I found myself declaring to Angelo over lunch yesterday, in my best organising voice, "Now, on this holiday, we have to make sure we relax. RELAX, OK?" Quick, have fun!
Ironically, I'm knitting through it all. Albeit, knitting with a panicked, manic gait, but knitting nonetheless.
See you on the other side!
Monday, November 21, 2011
2 weeks and 6 days
2 weeks and 6 days until I am a bride. The thought makes me laugh, giggle, panic, breath a little deeper, smile from the inside out and want to cry with gratitude at the generosity and love of friends and family. As I go through the motions I would on any work day of putting together final timings for the day, making last minute phone calls to suppliers and planning our travel I have this tune in my head that keeps playing the words 'this is actually your wedding' over and over. We now have 140 people attending this beautiful day which in one moment feels insane and in another feels incredible. I feel so very humbled that so many people have chosen to say yes and not just yes but busting to celebrate with us. And then there's my divine husband to be who I am so in love with. Tim has been there every step of the way in the planning - in fact lets be honest - he's done a far better job in that department than me. You should see the wedding spreadsheet - I'm going to package it up and sell it to brides to be in future. Software for brides :)
So where I am at? I am happy, panicky, warm and fuzzy all over. I'm slightly stressed about work and what I'm leaving behind. I'm overwhelmed by what's ahead, not just the wedding but the flat renovations and the move that happens when we get back after Christmas.
Where am I at when it all boils down?
Grateful. Incredibly grateful. Thank you to my beautiful girls on this blog who I love so dearly and have been so present and there for me, not just now but since we very first met. Oh man I'm tearing up. I have so much thanks to give you girls and many. many hugs for everything you are doing for me at the moment.
LOVE YOU xoxoxo
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Ten adventures!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Write a list of ten things you could to do. Do the last thing on the list. - Aimee
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ruey's 10 Things
Saturday, November 5, 2011
1. Actually spend some time planning this wedding thats on in just 5 weeks
2. Write to my sister to find out where she is in India and when she thinks she might be gracing us with her presence again
3. Buy my sister a birthday present
4. Pack for my work trip to Sydney tomorrow
5. Contact my real estate agent to get him onto finding tradies to renovate my apartment in a few weeks time
6. Go to the gym
7. Call Aimee to find out when she's coming home so I can plan social activities for the end of the year
8. Finish writing the paper I was meant to do yesterday
9. Mark the student papers for the teaching I did last week
10. Bugger it all and get out into our first summer day in Melbourne. 30 degrees at last!!!
Sorry, was that blog meant to be along the lines of;
1. Plan my next trip back to Europe
2. A yoga retreat
3. facial and massage
4. an all day lunch
etc etc etc
I'm saving all that up to look forward to once I'm Mrs Amanda Jacobs - Ha.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
live the life

Artist Date - Aimee
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Stood Up
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Choux Choux
Something just for me...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Key Lime Divine ..
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Formal season
It's formal season in Australia - year 10 and year 12 girls are replacing the stress of study with the stress of trying to find a dress that is different and something no-one else will have. I know this because my blog task of trying something new was shopping with my two future sisters in law for the first time. Not just any shopping day out but a whole afternoon of scouring every nook and cranny in Melbourne for a dress for a year 12 formal that would match the picture Amy had cut out from one of her magazines. It was so much fun! As we stood giggling at some of the options in the change rooms at Myer it dawned on me that this was actually my very first outing to look for a formal dress - growing up in a country town didn't really call for such dedication to finding the right dress. I had it easy. To look different from my colleagues all I had to do was avoid the blue chambray shirt and pearl necklace.
After a coffee to refuel Amy tried on a total of 12 dresses before calling it a day. We had found one or two potential options that needed to be tried on again the following day with a clear head. It was exhausting and exhilarating and so much more than just a shopping trip. My first outing with Amy and Natalie will be the first of many in the years to come and I feel so lucky to be adding two more sisters to the sensational one I already have in Torie. In truth a girl can never have too many sisters! As for Amy its now onto sitting her first HSC exam on Tuesday and another four weeks before she can glam up for the final formal of her school years. She will of course look gorgeous in which ever dress she chooses.

Apologies for the lack of photos - I was banned from taking them by the star of the day - this is the best I could do!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Banjaran puhleaseeee I SAID PLEASE!
We talk about the places we live in currently, but if you could have one day anywhere in the world, where would you go and how would you spend your hours? |

It started with this photo in Time Out Malaysia.
Five Star
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A day of indulgence at home
I just printed out 999 photos of our past three years of travel through Europe. If office works had let me print more I would have got up to 1057. Tim and I have traveled to so many amazing places in the time that we’ve known each other. We have beautiful memories of drinking Sicilian coffee in the sun, climbing the snow capped Mount Etna, spending Christmas in a bell tower in Belgium, walking till our feet hurt past so many of the London icons and Paris, beautiful magical Paris. There are so many places in the world I would still love to visit but not for a while to come. The place I would love to be for one day anywhere in the world is exactly where I am right now. Sitting at my mum’s kitchen bench in Mornington listening to a mix of chaos inside and the noisy Australian birds outside who are clearly enjoying the first signs of Spring.
Mornington is a special place. Something changes in me as soon as I pass the Frankston, Home of Sandcastles sign on the Nepean Highway. I let go.

After breakfast it would be a drive to Tyabb Packing Shed with mum. You need to see this place to believe it. It’s an old apple packing shed filled to the rafters with anything and everything from antiques to junk to treasures. Clothes, crystal, books, posters, jewellery, furniture, linen – everything. I love it.

It’s hard to add anything other an afternoon nap to make that day any more perfect.
After all the travels and flights my one day anywhere in the world is spent at home – there is simply no where better.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I love Paris in the summer, when it sizzles...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Task # 36
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Weather Shmeather
Monday, October 3, 2011
these boots are made for walking.....
How are you taking the change of season in your stride? Aimee |

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Task 35 - Always take the weather with you....
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Jumping for Joy!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
And while the memories are quite hazy now, I do vaguely recall a performance we put together for the primary school talent quest - me on piano, Wolly singing and...was there dancing? God help us! You'll have to jog my memory, Wol, but I'm certain we approached it with the utmost seriousness.
There have been many theatre experiences since, most amateur, many at university, some even semi-professional (didn't we make about 10 bucks each?) But these were the formative years, when the spirit of performing was moulded and nurtured. Dare I say there is evidence already growing in my four-year-old when she tells me to be quiet, she's singing and I have to listen and not join in. I only hope I can be as patient and encouraging as my mum and Mrs Wolly were.
Though photos of the above abound, I've failed to unearth them. I did, however, find this shot of my first actual stage role - The Balloon Girl in 'Gypsy, performed by the Orange Theatre Company in 1984. I was nine. I was in the opening scene, and stood on the far right of stage in a tutu with balloons pinned to me. On cue, I stepped to the right then ran off the stage, whereupon a crew member popped all of the balloons. I then sat around for two hours waiting for curtain call. Grand beginnings...

Bursting with enthusiasm...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day by day, coffee by coffee...
Sweet lovely lovely
Monday, September 12, 2011
Uncle Russ - But what's in a name???
I love cafes and I love coffee. It’s my vice and I am committed to the addiction. Sydney, New York, LA – I have always chosen my abode for its relativity to my chosen dealer. And I have always loved were I lived because of it. In fact I would go so far as to say I love cafes the way many people love cosy little bars. When I think back of the places I have lived, I think of the local café before I remember the flat. Perhaps the love affair is pretentious but it’s an honest one. That whir of the coffee machine pressing out its creamy espresso ignites all my thoughts and hopes for the day ahead. It is also a joy I share with my husband, we are different creatures on so many levels, but we unite in the face of well ground bean. And Sydneyites (and their Melbourne cousins) are fast becoming the most discerning coffee connoisseurs in all the world. Our expectations of an excellent cup of coffee are high.
So why oh why did I end up in Hong Kong!

I am sorry Honkers but on this occasion you are found sorely lacking. And why should you be any good at coffee, you are a nation with a rich history in tea sipping, trading, healing and then you were colonized by a tea obsessed nation. The odds are steeped against you on this one. And coupled with the monopoly of Starbucks and Pacific coffee, the coffee culture here is anything but organic.
But I live on an expat island and the supply of coffee is shipped in to quench the thirst of the Europeans, Australians and Americans who demand it. But like the fake bricks on the wall of Uncle Russ’s House of coffee (one of two cafes in this community of 15 thousand) the coffee is not produced out of a love affair but rather as a sole trader to a desperate market. Do we look as desperate as the people who fell upon opium traders that built this empire? Perhaps and thus I endure day after day of burnt milky coffee - disclaimer, the Uncle Russ staff are the friendliest bunch ever.

So my current café stands alone at a bus stop and a building site, across the road are huge towers of apartments being built, and a few stray golf carts. Apologies for the photo quality, the phone sweats here too.This site is full of a vision, which will be filled by families like ours, who will bustle in here to escape the sauna outside, they will wince daily at the first sip of the day. But they will continue to come here day in and day out to pay homage to their love affair with the bean. And if I end up here long enough perhaps one day I will succumb to the coconut and green tea smoothie that is this months special promotion. The last bit of ambience I might add, is Phil Collins diamonds on the souls of my shoes, which appears to be the LONGEST song ever made?
If Greer blogs about the Bourke St Bakery right now, I am going to cry.