I'm moving house tomorrow. I'm surrounded by mess and crap and chaos. Alas, the board games, all three of them (Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit and a chessboard), and a couple of jigsaws, all went into a box marked 'board games' weeks ago. That box is at the bottom of this pile of boxes:

So I'm not playing a board game this week. It's a bit like the cocktail 'cake' post of another Tale of Three-er - I'm cheating. I'm sure you understand.
In the spirit of it all, though, I did have a few games on Lexulous.com last night. That's online Scrabble. I heard Richard Glover describe it on his radio show recently as "the heroin of online gaming." It's true - I used to be addicted, back when it was Scrabulous.com. A member of my household may or may not play quite keenly at times. He claims that he controls it, it doesn't control him. I'm saying nothing.
It's a pretty poor effort, I know. I promise, when I'm in the new place and everything is unpacked, the bloke and I will sit down to a good old-fashioned game of real Scrabble. But in the meantime, I've got to fly - this computer is about to get packed into one of those boxes.
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