The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The coffee drug...

Tell us about your local coffee shop, the one you end up at if you have 15 mins to enjoy a cuppa. Be it glam or otherwise, who grinds your beans?

I just ran 10.76km. The longest distance I have ever run. I tell you this because it sums up the effect coffee has on me these days. It’s an incredible stimulant that even when drunk at 7am can keep me awake all night. Problem is….I love it. So when faced with this lovely little task I thought I’d skip the decaf just for one indulgent morning and enjoy a lovely flat white downstairs.

Having returned from London at the end of March the fiancé and I are still transient vagrants and are currently living in my dad’s Melbourne flat. It’s a tough call to move on given the amazing central location and the wonderful coffee shop downstairs.

Organic, hot, frothy and delicious the coffee is a treat on a Saturday morning. It’s going to be sad to leave this area and this little coffee ritual. A ritual that will return to a decaf one unless I happen to have a big run on that day!

1 comment:

Greer said...

Spoutie, I drink several real coffees a day and I've never run anywhere close to 10k. You're amazing!