The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


With one Tale-of-Three-er shacked up with a newborn and another tripping the light fantastic through Europe on her way back to Oz, I've been leaning towards the slack side of things with this blog. But as I contemplated a plate of apples over in my other space, my thoughts turned to a post here last autumn, which made me realise that we have been blogging here at Tale of Three for an entire year!

Yay for us.


Kristi said...

i just came across your blog and the idea behind it is so clever.

Greer said...

Thanks, Kristi. We're all a bit slack at the moment, but back on track soon! Hey, girls! Girls?