The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

frantic feb

ok so my four in feb weren't that big, well they were but they were all so urgent that accomplishing them would be impossible not to do.

Bought a car - check. It was full of sultanas and crackers by the time we got it home.

Moved into house with rental furniture - check. Real furniture arrived in the last week of feb and I have managed to unpack 218 of the 220 boxes in Luka's nap times and after 10pm at night.

Had meeting with agent, it lasted for 2 packs of sultanas. And I am finalising new tracks for my demo, I do need to schedule some thinking time other than at the traffic lights. Which lets face it traffic light thinking should be reserved for my pelvic floor exercises.

The real hooray is that i managed one swim alone! And one walk! And one alone trip to coles in the month. There has been so much adrenaline, coffee, skipped meals, getting everyone settled that I wonder if I will go up in a puff of smoke. And poof there went feb......

1 comment:

Ruey said...

Hey Aims - your 4 in March could be:- 1. rest 2. do nothing 3. breathe 4. rest some more!! Happy settling for you lovey! xx