I’m wandering the aisles of the Leichhardt Organic Farmers Market with a baby in the pram and another strapped to my chest. The pram is doubling as my shopping trolley. I shove juicy red tomatoes and strawberries into the basket, then a tub of fresh goats curd and a loaf of ciabatta. Half a dozen eggs follow, then four cobs of home-grown corn. The woman behind the stall selling baby clothes eyes me hopefully, but I avoid her gaze. Around a corner, I cave in and buy a homemade apple pie and, after sampling one of the Royal Gala apples on display, I grab a bag of those too.
I’ve blown my budget and the sun is beating down a little too intensely for my liking. As I head for the exit, a seller comments on the little creature on my chest and is beside herself when she realises there’s another one in the pram. Suddenly there’s a small crowd oohing and ahhing. A teenage girl tells me she’s going to have identical twin girls one day. Someone wants to know if I get any sleep at all. Another assures me, unprompted, that it will get easier. I smile and move on, grabbing an egg and bacon roll for the road.

1 comment:
Why are there no markets like this where I live??? Maybe a move to Qld would not be the go!!! Maybe I should be the one reconsidering! Love it!
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