The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

41 Flavours last night........

Oh a rare night to myself, and on it I have treated myself to a yoga class (the first in a long long time) and my ice cream task.

The yoga high rise experience was bit like a dog obedience lesson and on my exit I was presented with a report yogic!?*#!

And then I tracked down an ice cream shop. It was found discreetly nestled among one thousand Lan Kwai Fong Bars that burp their contents out onto the charming little lane winding up the hill. But Haagen Dazs found me.

My choice tonight - dark choc orange and lemon sorbet.

When I was a tween my darling Grandfather, Api, would take me to city on the Manly ferry. There was a gelato shop at either end and it was about the poshest thing I had ever seen. The creamy, rich, lush, Italian gelato was a leap from fighting with my brother every night for a spoon of the Neapolitan. My choice at the gelato shop was always the same - Jaffa (also my favourite lolly) and a delicious mouth puckering lemon sorbet to slap you on the bum at the end. It is critical the lemon is savored for the finish.

And it is still a winning combo, although the candied orange rind is not a patch on the more rustic crushed jaffa lolly option.

Now all I need is a Manly ferry, a couple of kamikaze seagulls, Api's Henry Winterman's cigar wafting through the air and I am off to Pitt st mall for a new pair of shoes - oh and for someone to press pause in the Celine Dion currently blasting in Haagen and the antarctic air con blowing the hair off my head.


And so much better than a yoga score card.

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