The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Monday, March 15, 2010

An ice cream Spring in the Capital..

You know you’re away from home when you have to do a Google search for ice cream shops! London is not known for having an abundance of ice cream shops which I guess is understandable given winter seems to average about 5 months of the year.  From October through to the end of March Londoners dream about warmth in any form so this week’s task took a little research however was worth every second of time. A small confession to start with……it wasn’t me that undertook this research. Snazzy new boyfriend (who by the way hates being called snazzy new boyfriend and was horrified at last week’s reference so its Tim from now on) completed said Google search for the best of London’s ice cream shops which highlighted two things for me; 1. Relationship clearly going well given this act of kindness and effort and, 2. Boys do a Google search far more thoroughly than women. In my experience women do a quick search, work out the closest location, memorise the map and add into the week’s tasks. Tim on the other hand had printed off double sided sheets of research on gelato and ice cream sellers complete with maps which is how we ended up traveling from South London to North London, to beautiful Hampstead Heath today. And what a day it was! With the suggestion of ice cream Spring finally broke out in all its glory. A week ago enjoying an ice cream in London would have drawn some very strange looks but today I noticed envy on the faces of passer-bys. Spring is a magical time to be in this city and there is a certain feeling of ecstasy to strip down to two layers rather than three of four, lose the heavy winter coat, to see the daffodils poking through the hills on the Heath and best of all to feel the sun on your face. The simple pleasures in life are magnified ten-fold in the first weeks of Spring in London including enjoying a bright blue bubble gum ice cream in the morning and a greedy second hazelnut gelato complete with chocolate sprinkled cone in the afternoon. All in all – a perfect London day.

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