Beautiful Borough Market has become a weekend love affair for me. Ten minutes down the road from the flat in London Bridge is one of the world’s most famous food markets filled with mouth watering organic goodness that turns a standard weekend into a gourmet one. After a lazy sleep in we wandered down with no particular plan other than to soak up the busy and chaotic sight of Londoners filling their bags with a week’s supply of fruit and veg, pork pies, pressed apple juice, wine and for the truly adventuress, ostrich eggs. For us the first order of the day was coffee followed by a slow meander through the crowded stalls to taste a little bit of everything. A small slither of creamy stilton cheese, a tiny cut of cured ham, a dip of freshly baked bread into mandarin flavoured olive oil and one of my favourites – a spoonful of the most magical mushroom dip that melts in your mouth. It’s impossible to leave Borough Market without a purchase, or two or three. Today’s selection included Tym’s Boro cheese, a tub of fresh olives and two London bap rolls which when combined with a little basil and avocado made for one truly sensational gourmet lunch. I look forward to doing it all again next week.
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