The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Since you guys have stolen my proposed titles of 'failed miserably' and 'Cheat', I have pursued the task with the added guilt of missing the deadline. Here is my week with this seemingly SIMPLE task.


Babe, I have to play a game for the blog this week, fancy a game of scrabble

I will be asleep in five minutes



It's Friday night babe


So how about that game of scrabble?

Work tomorrow babe


Scott we HAVE to play a board game

Can't you play that one by yourself ......patience!


Hugo you ready to learn a new game

No I don't

Here is a pictorial record of how Hugo's first board game went. I especially purchased a Thomas the Tank Engine game of pairs. He began by using a piece of bluetack on the card he had to remember! The game was completed in record time!
(note bluetak)


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