The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

2 weeks and 3 days

It's late Ruey here - just submitting my blog assignment way after the due date but submitting nevertheless! I do believe it is 2 weeks and 3 days to Spout & Tim's wedding now and isn't it so beautiful that we are all talking about where we are at in terms of this special day and seeing each other again and celebrating your great day Spouty! I can't wait either!!
So where am I at?
Just in the last few days I have had the opportunity to start relaxing, unwinding and giving myself some attention after what has felt like being on the "rat wheel" of concert after concert after concert after student after student after student. It is always a fine balance doing what you love and it becoming a "good problem"!! But changes must be made for next year and that is what has been brewing in my head over the past few months and will continue to brew now I have some space to brew. I have realised that I err to the side of being a workaholic and that's something that requires addressing.
Changes? Well, what's making me realise my lack of going with the flow and working my arse off has been my path on the yoga mat and a reiki meditation I have recently adopted as part of my routine. These two things have naturally become the core of my life this year and have helped me, whilst being on the "rat wheel", feel more stable, stronger in myself and finally happy to let life lead me for awhile and evolve without me so fiercely controlling my destiny so much. This has led to a lot of lovely spontaneously giving 4 family members reiki treatments at a family reunion last weekend (they were queueing up!). A voice session with a friend turning into a reiki session and the friend paying me for it, another lady ringing for a "holistic" voice session and do I "do that sort of thing?" Well the answer is "Yes! I do!" So where am I at? I'm starting to go with the flow as much as possible, seeing what and who appears at my door and saying "yes" to trusting experiences, trusting others, welcoming more joy and ease and creating less drama in my life......
So I'm in this place of wondering what will happen in the near future if I do this and when I feel into it it feels good! :)
One thing I am sure is going to be great! See you there on the dance floor!
Love you gals!
Ruey xxx

1 comment:

Kate said...

Such wisdom my friend. I relate to working too hard and needing to find balance, such a tricky one when you love what you do. The voice work sounds amazing. Lots of love to you, Kate xx