The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

painting up a spy story

Ok my fantasy jobs all seem to be tied into fantasy locations as well. Sort of like the escapism you get with a Juliette Binoche film set in Paris or even what Woody was able to do with New York, the job, the life, the lifestyle. So I will let you have it in total.

An Artist - great broad brush strokes of colour, emotion and passion. The poverty seems to have eluded this fantasy so I will run with it. A rambling studio and house in Tuscany (or even the Hunter Valley but lets keep it big for the moment). Lots of flow. Friends, wine, food, and a good turn over of work. I would oblige the mandatory exhibition openings in Barcelona, Paris and London. But the most important thing, plenty of inspiration. Late nights working and long sleep ins. Lots of espresso and lots of painting.

A spy - yep cross Jason Bourne with Angelina Jolie. Swift, skilled, super smart and able to pull off a multitude of looks with the change of a scarf. Of course I intend to be working for the good of humanity, perhaps bringing down corruption or conspiracy in some way. Always covering lots of territory, picture Mentawai Islands on Tuesday and a dark Geneva coffee shop the next day. In my spy fantasy I also can whip and weave a scooter through crowded piazza's and always manage to look hydrated and calm.

A Children's Book Writer - The simplicity, joy, and life in a great kids book has always creaked open my heart. The good ones are so so good. The genius of Mem Fox, Linley Dodd and Eric Carle always leave me envious. I think because to be a great kids book writer you have to immerse in pure creative imagination. So that's how I would live, unhampered by the everyday grind, I would like to be able to concoct stories from every little bit of dust falling around me.

And just to give my last fantasy a world - a cottage, somewhere cosy, with a nearby community, chickens in the yard and a flowering springtime garden - perhaps Berry or Woodend. I would probably make a great roast on a Sunday.

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