The Challenge

Every week, we each complete the same assigned task in our different cities and blog about it.

The tasks are creative journeys, artist dates, challenges small and large.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Banjaran puhleaseeee I SAID PLEASE!

Aimee -
We talk about the places we live in currently, but if you could have one day anywhere in the world,
where would you go and how would you spend your hours?

It started with this photo in Time Out Malaysia.

But it got better and better and better.......check out this place and see if you would have trouble filling in 24 hours...........oh and don't forget the winebar in the limestone caves! Oh bum, it's not really for kids............. they wouldnt be able to come................ they would have to stay at home..................without me. Yep, it would just be me and the Banjaran!

I guess Scott could come if he didnt talk too much.


Greer said...

Scott is VERY talkative. You'll have to take me. I can just see us together in that rose petal tub.

BTW, I love how our posts this week truly reflect our current states of mind. Please, anywhere WITHOUT the kids!!!!!!!!!

Kate said...

Yes divine....would love to join you!!! If only we could wiggle our nose and be there (like Samantha on bewitched)... I would love a massage right now...

Kate said...

Yes divine....would love to join you!!! If only we could wiggle our nose and be there (like Samantha on bewitched)... I would love a massage right now...